Shooting Mist

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Shooting Mist

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 16 Nov 2015, 08:13

During the club's recent Peak District trip, a few of us ventured up Mam Tor before dawn one morning lured by the promise of being able to shoot the forecast mist in the Hope Valley below. Personally it was a great experience to be there and see the fog lifting from the valley within just a few seconds, even if I did not get any usable shots. Conditions did not work out for me, mainly due to the sun failing to put in an appearance, although the others might have got something worthwhile.

If I do get a similar opportunity in the future, Amateur Photographer has published an article about how to shoot early morning mist, which can be very photogenic in the right circumstances. ... capes-2090

Mike Farley
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