Proofing and Printing
Posted: Mon 08 Jun 2015, 17:24
I have just watched this video of an interview with John Paul Caponigro (son of Paul) about his proofing and printing techniques. The first part is general chit chat, but at around 23 minutes he starts talking about the technical side of things. The video lasts around an hour, but unless you already have a black belt in printing I guarantee that it will be time well spent and that you will learn something new. ... -proofing/
JPC's website is here and it is going in my Favourites as there is a lot of free information there, including tips about printing. You will need to subscribe to his newsletter to get access to some of the material, but somehow that does not seem like a hardship. ... -proofing/
JPC's website is here and it is going in my Favourites as there is a lot of free information there, including tips about printing. You will need to subscribe to his newsletter to get access to some of the material, but somehow that does not seem like a hardship.