Waterloo in the rain

A forum where members can post their favourite image taken each month. (This forum was originally created for a set of monthly challenges to which the earlier posts relate.)
Ronald Barker
Posts: 158
Joined: Thu 13 Sep 2012, 08:50

Waterloo in the rain

Postby Ronald Barker » Tue 27 Jul 2021, 10:56

Sunday 25.7.21 decided to venture out to take a walk along the Thames, crossing over Waterloo Bridge (North to South) it decided to rain, not just a light shower but a heavy down pour. Ended up have refreshments in a cafe under Waterloo Bridge soaking wet, photography not my best but will give you an idea what it was like it was a bit misty but mostly rain.

Waterloo in the rain 3.jpg
Waterloo in the rain 3.jpg (194.12 KiB) Viewed 10173 times
Waterloo in the rain 2.jpg
Waterloo in the rain 2.jpg (141.82 KiB) Viewed 10173 times
waterloo in the rain 1.jpg
waterloo in the rain 1.jpg (47.58 KiB) Viewed 10173 times

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