Message from Gill Peachy of the SLF

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Message from Gill Peachy of the SLF

Postby Canonballer » Sat 07 Jun 2014, 13:47


Please see the foregoing from Gill Peachy


To all SLF Secretaries and Delegates,
(Copied to SLF Committee)

Those of you who were present at the AGM are aware that I announced the sad news that John Blackwell had died. John had been one of Old Coulsdon Camera Club's most loyal and successful members for many years. He was a great supporter of the Federation and I'm sure many clubs will have enjoyed the AV presentations that he and his late wife, Herta, put on. He was also instrumental in the running of many an SLF AV competition.

For those of you wishing to attend John's funeral, it will take place on:

Wednesday 18th June at 3:30pm at St. Nicholas' Church, Church Lane, Godstone, RH9 8BW.

For location of church, please follow link: ... 23b45f091d

Kind regards,


Dave Newman

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