Monochrome Sensor?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Monochrome Sensor?

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 23 Feb 2016, 18:47

LensRentals has done a comparison between the Leica Monochrom M (Typ 246) and a Sony A7R II. It consists of identical scenes taken with each camera and a panel of three people considering which image was taken with which camera in a blind test. Leica 35 and 50 Summilux lenses were used on both cameras, which eliminates one possible cause of differences between the images. The method of mono conversion for the Sony shots is not stated, but most likely out of camera JEGs were being compared. The Sony currently costs £2,599 in the UK and the Monochrom is £4,990. ... ony-a7r-ii

The introduction to the article states the differences between the two sensors, which is that the one in the Monochrom has had the Bayer CFA (Colour Filter Array) removed so that it only records luminance values, so I'll not say more here. The results might surprise you.

Mike Farley
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