These days I do actually have a camera phone, albeit one from the low end of the market, and it does exactly what I want*. It produces OK images, but takes forever to focus. That's good, because I am not tempted to use it. Apart from the embrassing occasion when I made a longish journey for a shoot only to find when I opened my bag and found only my infrared camera inside.
Yesterday at AP's Sony sponsored event, there was a promise of being able to try my Canon lenses on an A7/R body using an adapter. So I took a heavy bag of gear only to find that Sony had turned up sans adapters. It meant that beforehand I was shooting my 7D for the first time in a while. I like the camera and think that it has the best user interface of any camera I have tried (note that this is different to having the best interface of any camera). But boy, did it it feel big, heavy and cumbersome after a period of exclusively shooting m43.
* In other words, make phone calls when I am out and occasional Internet use to find out useful info such as when trains and buses are actually coming or there is a good place to eat nearby. For such a cheap device, its colour reproduction is good and I have found it useful for showing people the occasional photo. Most of the time my phone is off, but even if someone does ring I usually don't hear it.