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Raw Files

Posted: Thu 26 Jun 2014, 20:02
by Mike Farley
An interesting article about the constitution of Raw files.

Some observations.

  • Normally I tell people that Raw is the data recorded directly from the sensor. This is not strictly true and more accurately should be the "sensor data with minimal processing applied". The manufacturers are reticent to state exactly what happens when Raw files are created, but there are those who suspect that some corrections are applied behind the scenes.
  • I had not appreciated that the image data is stored in the TIFF format, although it is not in a viewable form at that stage which is where the converter comes in.
  • I am not certain about the claim that manufacturers cannot use compressed data for DNG files. Mind you, proprietary formats for Raw files do work to Adobe's et al adavantage, otherwise there would be reduced incentive for users to pay for software updates. Adobe and others do rely on the tendency of some enthusiasts to buy new cameras all the time. It is true that the Leica M9 DNG files are uncompressed, but I believed that this was due to the limited processing power of its Maestro processor. The DNG standard allows for compression and I am not aware of there being two distinct types as claimed. No doubt there are other factors which come into play, not least the manufacturers' desire to retain control of their products. Does anyone know any more about this?