An interesting article. Although his account of what happened when trying to break into the fine art market is no doubt accurate and perhaps, sadly, all too common, in the end I found myself unsurprised by the opinions of the galleries he approached. I looked at his photos first rather than dive into the text and thought they were all very solid examples of photographer's images with the possible except of the man & lady at the table. I can see instantly why he took them and I bet everyone here has done something similar too - the first image on the article actually reminded me of something from a club exhibition though I can't remember the photographer responsible! I'm not surprised they aren't picked up as fine art images though, they're extremely generic and what all photographers everywhere do at some point - essentially the dictionary definition of a photographer's image
Nice to look at for a few seconds but would you spend thousands to put one on a wall? Would anyone? Probably not. (Though let's not forget the nonsense of Rhine II and Peter Lik!)
So when I read the article after seeing his pictures although I initially felt a little sorry for him, by the end I think his hurt-and-upset reaction was feeling more like an "I was rejected but hey, what do they know and I shoot for MYSELF, screw them!" eulogy. At one stage it's not his fault, it's that people don't know what art is, the next is a rail against an x-factor style "fine art is too consumer driven" market. Erm, yes? Consumers buy what they want, art buyers buy what consumers want. Quelle surprise? Capping it all off he even finishes with the fact he's come to terms with it and didn't really want to be in the fine art business anyway. Riiiight... so if he DID get picked up and sold for millions, he'd still have written this? Nah, don't buy it.
It's not that I don't disagree with his main sentiment - I 100% believe in shooting for myself first, anyone else liking it is a bonus - but the manner in which he's put it across and the examples of images he thinks are unique/special/groundbreaking enough to be considered art just made me feel like he'd written a reactionary piece because someone snubbed him.
I realize now I've seen things he has written before on other sites but don't ever remember seeing his site, I'll certainly have another look and a deeper read, thanks for bringing him up