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FSLPS inter club competitions

Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 17:02
by roy445
Now the first round of these competitions have been run, could we publish, say on the Club web site, whose pictures were chosen to represent the Club and what scores were achieved?

Re: FSLPS inter club competitions

Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 17:06
by Nina
Good idea Roy! Must speak to Bill.

Re: FSLPS inter club competitions

Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 17:41
by Mike Farley
Provided it is just a list showing the photographer's name, the image title and score, I do not see why this should not be done. Since we are in the plate contests for colour prints and DPI, and the semi-final of the monochrome competition, the results can be updated for each further round in which we participate. If nothing else, it will be interesting to see what variation there is in the marking. ;)

Once we have finished in each competition, we could also add the actual images at that point if the authors agree to having their work shown in this way.

Re: FSLPS inter club competitions

Posted: Wed 21 Nov 2012, 18:45
by davidc
I'd quite like to see the actual images too and it's already stipulated on the club site that images submitted to internal can be used by the club unless the member explicitly opts out.

Besides, it's another good way of showing off our best work and giving the photographer more recognition.