Ansel Adams: Moonrise Hernadez

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Ansel Adams: Moonrise Hernadez

Postby walterconquy » Thu 29 Nov 2012, 16:15

Moonrise Hernandez.
On one of Mike's links it said Moonrise was made in 1948, they made a mistake. It was 1941. I went to an exhibition in the 80's and saw a wonderful set of prints by him
and one of them was Moonrise. On the blurb it speaks of Adams wanting to know when precisely he had taken it, he had forgotten. So the question was asked if anybody could find the answer. Some scientist investigated and figured the position of the moon would tell them. Anyway they came to the conclusion it was taken at on 25th October 1941. I was born at 4.15pm on the same day. How's that for coincidence. I always wanted to tell that story.

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