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Happy Birthday, Photoshop

Posted: Wed 18 Feb 2015, 08:07
by Mike Farley
Twenty five years ago tomorrow (19 February), the first version of Photoshop was launched. Amateur Photographer has an article by Martin Evening which gives a potted history of its first quarter of a century. Some interesting facts emerge. The first version was just 745KB in size so that it could fit on a single 3.5" floppy disk (remember those?). Despite its name, more than ten years elapsed until the application became widely used for photography when it reached version 5, which also coincided with the time when digital cameras were starting to become mainstream. Before then, it was more the domain of illustrators and graphic artists. These days Photoshop is so ubiqitous that its name has become a verb, something which Adobe's legal team actively discourages as it is seen as weakening the brand. ... sary-44096

Re: Happy Birthday, Photoshop

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2015, 18:27
by Mike Farley
Another article from Amateur Photographer describing the role Photoshop has had in creating images over the past 25 years. Inevitably there is a lot said about the sometimes drastic changes which can be made, in the fashion and beauty genres especially, although there are many other examples as well. The article also points out that manipulating images is nothing new and shows a well known shot which would probably not pass the strict standards of modern photo journalism. ... iety-44352

Re: Happy Birthday, Photoshop

Posted: Fri 20 Feb 2015, 08:07
by Mike Farley
Adobe has produced an ad to celebrate Photoshop's birthday and it can be seen on YouTube. Mike Johnston's comments are spot on. ... is-25.html

Re: Happy Birthday, Photoshop

Posted: Fri 20 Feb 2015, 08:29
by Mike Farley
Amateur Photographer describes what happens when Photoshop falls into the wrong hands. ... ters-44481

Re: Happy Birthday, Photoshop

Posted: Sat 21 Feb 2015, 07:50
by Mike Farley
The guys from Lula have weghed in with their own tribute, which includes an interview recorded a couple of years ago with Thomas Knoll, one of the two brothers who created Photoshop. ... -25-years/