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Big Thank You

Posted: Wed 03 Jun 2015, 12:19
by Mata
The last six months have been very frustrating for me in learning and applying the basics of photography.

No doubt I have asked plenty of silly questions which now seem so obvious and making a fool of yourself is all part of the learning process someone said. :)

I would like to say a big thank you to Mike Farley who have been an invaluable source of information since I became a member of Croydon Camera Club last year and Davidc for his online contribution as well as Wally & Bill.

Having taken the opportunity to do my first solo exhibition this month has been a real eye opener.

Taking a photograph is one thing, learning and doing all the other stuff (Processing, printing, mounting, framing, website, copyright/licencing, PR) has given me better understanding of everything involved in photography.

Big thank you to everyone.

Re: Big Thank You

Posted: Wed 03 Jun 2015, 12:51
by Mike Farley
Mata wrote:The last six months have been very frustrating for me in learning and applying the basics of photography.

No doubt I have asked plenty of silly questions which now seem so obvious and making a fool of yourself is all part of the learning process someone said. :)

I would like to say a big thank you to Mike Farley who have been an invaluable source of information since I became a member of Croydon Camera Club last year and Davidc for his online contribution as well as Wally & Bill.

Having taken the opportunity to do my first solo exhibition this month has been a real eye opener.

Taking a photograph is one thing, learning and doing all the other stuff (Processing, printing, mounting, framing, website, copyright/licencing, PR) has given me better understanding of everything involved in photography.

Big thank you to everyone.


At the start of my presentations, I always tell people that there is no such thing as a stupid question, except the one you do not ask. Often those questioned are forced to think about things in a different way, so both parties gain from the experience. I always knew that you had set yourself a massive task and have admired the dedicated way you have gone about it. It has been a pleasure to be able to help you.

Good luck with the exhibition.

Re: Big Thank You

Posted: Wed 03 Jun 2015, 14:08
by davidc
No worries, you are welcome - take some pics of your exhibition, though I fly back to the UK in 2hrs time and I write this from the airport - I won't have time to get down to Croydon. Would like to see your shots, even if it's just phone pictures of the event!

Re: Big Thank You

Posted: Sun 07 Jun 2015, 23:13
by Mata
I am planning to take my camera with me on the night and get various people to take shots throughout the evening.
Should be an interesting evening.