This is the forum thread about requests for topics to be included in my Lightroom presentation which I mentioned at last night's club meeting. All I ask is that you do not leave it until the last minute to submit a question when I will not necessarily have time to get something prepared.
As I said last night, I intend to go through a typical post capture workflow using just Lightroom:
- Importing images from a memory card
- Image management and selection
- Image processing
- Output - there are a number of options, but I will be concentrating on the most common which are to an image editor, print and JPEG
There are a number of topics which are not always well understood, so I will specifically cover these:
- The role of the Catalog*
- Image file location
- How Lightroom and Photoshop complement each other
- What happens when a Raw file is processed
The talk will consist entirely of a practical demonstration of Lightroom and I will show how the application has all the functions required to process images to completion. What many people are finding is that unless extensive changes to composition are required, it is often not necessary to use an image editor such as Photoshop and Lightroom does it all.
* American product, American spelling