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A Leica M For $2.99?

Posted: Wed 09 Sep 2015, 07:46
by Mike Farley
Not quite, but now there is an app which in part replicates the shooting experience on an iPhone. ... our-camera

Re: A Leica M For $2.99?

Posted: Thu 10 Sep 2015, 02:27
by davidc
I looked into this as a camera app with manual controls that's better than Camera+ would be something I'd be interested in. It only has three reviews on the app store - 2 negative, mostly because of continual crashing, and the positive one states "I don't actually have this app but it looks nice and I like the idea, I give it 5*"

Other anecdotal evidence on photography forums suggests it's a turkey.

Shame, as I was potentially interested. I even mooted getting a Leica case for my iphone to complete the experience! That plus the app would be the closest I'd ever want to get to a Leica :D

Re: A Leica M For $2.99?

Posted: Thu 10 Sep 2015, 07:58
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:..... the closest I'd ever want to get to a Leica :D

Not quite true, you have had my M9 in your hands. ;)

Shame that the implementation does not match the concept, though.

Re: A Leica M For $2.99?

Posted: Sat 12 Sep 2015, 06:16
by davidc
I had forgotten that :)

Maybe "closest I'd ever want to get" is a little harsh, "likely to get" may be more apt.

Re: A Leica M For $2.99?

Posted: Sat 12 Sep 2015, 08:16
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:I had forgotten that :)

Maybe "closest I'd ever want to get" is a little harsh, "likely to get" may be more apt.

Frm what I hear, the Leica Q is a superb machine and is likely a foreunner of a new range of full frame cameras with, shock, horror, AF. They won't be "proper" Leicas, of course. ;)

Perhaps you could get hold of one to review?

I am hoping to be able to shoot one soon as I am about to embark on a Leica fest in Scotland over the next few days.

Re: A Leica M For $2.99?

Posted: Sat 12 Sep 2015, 15:45
by davidc
Leica and Olympus are the only two companies who have flat out refused to work with me because "I'm not pro enough" and refused to guarantee a good review. Nikon just didn't reply, I assume because I started with canon.

I will test the Leica and Olympus gear in future, e.g. I have done so already with with an em-5 II and em-10, but that was when I rented them off my own back with my own money. They get a lower priority in the review-and-write-up queue as a result.

I don't let how good a cameraanufacturers PR company influence what I think of their kit, but if the company act like dicks they will get a corresponding level of service & pseudo-advertising from me.

Re: A Leica M For $2.99?

Posted: Fri 18 Sep 2015, 08:19
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:.... refused to guarantee a good review.
It's not the first time I have heard of manufacturers demanding positive outcomes. I like to think that sites like DPReview are too big to be ignored so can produce unbiased reports, but it makes you wonder about some of the others. Ming Thein is well followed, for example, but Olympus refused to co-operate with him when he gave them the same response as you.