Posted: Mon 16 Nov 2015, 08:45
I am not sure if I have mentioned this here before, but OCOLOY is One Camera, One Lens, One Year. The idea is to have a camera fitted with a lens which has a focal length of around 50 mm or equivalent and carry it with you at all times, shooting daily even if for a few minutes and every day make a print of a recent shot, then pin it on the wall for a few days. This is not a photo a day project, but an exercise in practicing photography on a daily basis and improving your skills. Not just shooting, but post capture and editing as well. It was devised by Mike Johnston some years ago and a while back he updated it with a digital variant. You can read the full dtails here: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.co ... rsion.html.
A group of Sicilian photographers have taken it a stage further and have monthly meetings to review their work, which has also resulted in an exhibition. You can read more at Mike Johnston's "The Online Photographer" blog. Not all the shots are to my taste, but there are some pleasing efforts amongst them.
http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.co ... italy.html
A group of Sicilian photographers have taken it a stage further and have monthly meetings to review their work, which has also resulted in an exhibition. You can read more at Mike Johnston's "The Online Photographer" blog. Not all the shots are to my taste, but there are some pleasing efforts amongst them.
http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.co ... italy.html