Luminous Landscape Paywall
Posted: Tue 24 Nov 2015, 08:23
As of 30 November, the Luminous Landscape website will require payment for access which will include not just the articles which have been free until now but the training videos for which it has always charged a hefty $150 annual fee. The new price will be $12 per year and there is a commtment to emove advertising once there are 50,000 subscibers. Slowly but surely, there appears to be a sea change on the web and content which we are used to seeing for free is disappearing behind paywalls. I suspect that Lula is popular eough to survive the change, but this could be an indicator that the alternative financing models such as advertisng or referral fees from the likes of Amazon might no longer be sufficient to support those who wish to make a living from their endeavours. For one thing, there are more websites seeking to fund themselves in this way and with regard to photography less gear is being sold, which means a smaller pot being shared among more people for those dependent on affiliation income. ... landscape/ ... landscape/