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Think Carefully Before Eating That Spud ....

Posted: Fri 22 Jan 2016, 08:13
by Mike Farley
.... it might be worth way more than you think. :shock: ... er-1000000

Re: Think Carefully Before Eating That Spud ....

Posted: Fri 29 Jan 2016, 08:17
by Mike Farley
What the Duck .....


Re: Think Carefully Before Eating That Spud ....

Posted: Fri 29 Jan 2016, 10:36
by Mike Farley
It's just a marketing ploy? Mike Johnston suspects it might be, although why someone of whom I have never previously heard but who supposedly sells portraits for hundreds of thousands of dollars needs publicity is beyond me. :? ... ay-to.html

Re: Think Carefully Before Eating That Spud ....

Posted: Thu 04 Feb 2016, 10:14
by Mike Farley
Some potato based fun on the Leica Camera Forum which could net you a serious $1m if you are lucky. ;)

You're gonna need something with the Leica name on it, though, regardless of whether it was actually made by them, the various PanaLeica offereings being the most common. ... challenge/