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New Canon Sensor Design?

Posted: Tue 22 Mar 2016, 07:03
by Mike Farley
DPReview is suggesting that Canon has introduced a new sensor design which has improved noise characteristics and greater dynamic range. The website's testing of the 80D shows that it is still not quite as good as the sensor in the Nikon 7200, but there is a useful uplift in performance. As well as the 80D, the new design is also being used in the flagship 1DX MkII. ... low-iso-dr

Re: New Canon Sensor Design?

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2016, 03:20
by davidc
It's frustrating that their new stuff is still not "technically" on a par with old Sony tech.

Re: New Canon Sensor Design?

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2016, 08:09
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:It's frustrating that their new stuff is still not "technically" on a par with old Sony tech.

Do you think that it makes the images from Canon inferior? Or maybe Canon has opted for a different set of compromises?

From what I recall of the 5D MkIII v D800 head to head comparisons when both were first launched, the outcome was always close and did not always go Nikon's way.

Re: New Canon Sensor Design?

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2016, 08:52
by Mike Farley
I have just seen this three way comparison between the 70D, 80D and D7200 at Imaging Resource. Admittedly it is based on OOC JPEGs, but they all look fairly close to me. The main difference is the way the 80D has handled a highlight in the ISO 6400 shot better than the 70D. Samples from Raw files shot in real world conditions should give a more conclusive outcome. ... omparisons