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Photoshop CC Updated

Posted: Wed 22 Jun 2016, 08:03
by Mike Farley
Now it's Photoshop's turn to receive an update, following the latest revision to Lightroom CC a couple of weeks ago. Content-aware Crop looks as though it might be useful in some circumstances and performance improvements are always welcome. I am not sure how much I would benefit from Face-aware Liquify, but I can see that it will help some people. ... re-liquify

The usual caveats about not being an early adopter of Adobe updates apply. If there are bugs, let others find them.

Re: Photoshop CC Updated

Posted: Fri 24 Jun 2016, 21:59
by Rose
The most interesting aspect of the PS update is the select and mask space, which I haven't had a chance to play with as yet because we're currently away, but it looks like a great improvement for those who want to mask out elements, replace backgrounds, create composites etc.

Re: Photoshop CC Updated

Posted: Sat 25 Jun 2016, 10:17
by Mike Farley
Rose wrote:The most interesting aspect of the PS update is the select and mask space, which I haven't had a chance to play with as yet because we're currently away, but it looks like a great improvement for those who want to mask out elements, replace backgrounds, create composites etc.

I am not sure how I managed to miss that. Anything which improves the ability to make selections is to be welcomed.