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Landscape Pro

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2016, 12:39
by Rose
I have just bought Landscape Pro Studio and am impressed so far. I've been playing for an hour or so and have been able to create very different versions of some of my aviation pics quite easily by replacing the sky and then tweaking further. The app works dynamically and even allows you to move the light source around ! I've played with some landscape pics too. The selection tools work pretty well, and by labelling different elements within the image (such as ground, sky, water, tree, building, object) you can select exactly what effects you apply, where. It doesn't replace LR or PS - if you get the Studio version it works as a plug-in to both, but it's looking like it's going to be a useful tool.

Re: Landscape Pro

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2016, 12:24
by davidc
Sounds interesting, can you share any before-after results?