Hi Andy
Almost certainly, your external hard drive will come formatted as FAT32 to ensure maximum read and write compatibility with Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems. It has some limitations, such as maximum sizes of 4GB for file size and 8TB for partitions. Given your projected usage, the former is unlikely to be an issue. Most external hard drives have less than 8 TB capacity which means that the latter probably will not affect you, either. Worst case, you can either create multipkle partitions on the drive or format it for the file system natively supported by your operating system. That will be APFS (Apple File System) in your case or NTFS for Windows users.
The links below give further details.
https://www.howtogeek.com/235596/whats- ... -and-ntfs/https://www.howtogeek.com/235596/whats- ... -and-ntfs/I would caution against keeping just a single copy of your images. If the drive on which they are stored should fail, you could lose everything or be faced with a large bill from a disk recovery company, with no guarantee that your images could be retrieved. A single external drive to back up the data on your computer is the absolute minimum you should countenance. Multiple backup copies, with at least one kept at a location away from your home in case of fire, theft, malicious disk encryption etc. is better. You could also consider holding your favourite images in the Cloud and let someone else take care of the backup issues.