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Home inspiration

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2020, 10:03
by Paul Heester
I follow alot of YouTube photographers and given the current lockdown they are turning their photography brains over to home made projects. Naturally this covers macro and still life works. One in particular seemed a good idea for some abstract inspiration. Adaptalux is a lighting system that can use 5 independent coloured lights for numerous uses. Whilst it appears to be a good system we all have plenty of light sources at home that can equally be used for this purpose -

I adapted his idea and produced the below image, trying to incorporate the Fibonacci spiral. Im sure numerous ideas can be spawned from this video!

IMG_2980s.jpg (116.51 KiB) Viewed 2928 times

Re: Home inspiration

Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2020, 10:14
by Mike Farley
Thanks for the idea, Paul. Not to mention a good shot to get us all inspired.