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The Big Question

Posted: Thu 13 Aug 2020, 08:22
by Mike Farley
Squarespace has released a video showing Winona Ryder shooting photographs to create a website. The camera she is using looks great, iconic even, and so it should. It is a classic Leica M3 from the 1950s, which raises the question of just how she got the images uploaded. Presumably there is a one hour develop and scan service in Winona which we were not shown?

Re: The Big Question

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2020, 08:35
by Mike Farley
By coincidence, I have just read this article which was published yesterday at The Online Photographer. It seems that there is still demand for new Leica film cameras, such that the company's production line cannot keep up. As Mike Johnston says, that might mean just a handful of cameras are produced each month but Leica is not saying. On the other hand, prices for used Leica M film cameras are going up. A few years ago, a good condition M6 cost a few hundred pounds which I thought was expensive. Nowadays they can command £2k+.

https://theonlinephotographer.typepad.c ... emand.html