Free Software - DxO FilmPack 3

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Free Software - DxO FilmPack 3

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 21 Sep 2013, 15:13

Yes, that's right, until the end of October the Essentials version can be downloaded free of charge in exchange for an e-mail address. Sounds like a worthwhile bargain to me. :D

This is the previous version and after submitting your e-mail address there is a link to buy Version 4 at a discount if you want to upgrade. The link is valid until the end of October, with the registration page stating that requests must be submitted before 31 October 2013, from which I assume it means the offer will end the previous day.

For those who are unaware of the software and what it does, here are some reviews from when the software was released a couple of years ago which give some further info about the product. ... ilmpack-3/ ... view-17446


Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Free Software - DxO FilmPack 3

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 22 Sep 2013, 08:51

There's an interesting post at The Online Photographer which gives some more information about this offer, including a link to the manual. It also answers something I had wondered about when I visited the recent Genesis exhibition by Sebastião Salgado at the Natural History Museum. The prints were organised by location and each was dated, which meant that often two images taken on different occasions would be adjacent. It seemed to me that Salgado had switched from shooting film in favour of digital sometime in 2010, but apart from the absence of grain in the later work, had managed to match the look of those images taken on film. Now I know how he achieved this and the DxO Film Pack software played a part.

Perhaps with this knowledge, we can all now start shooting like Salgado? ;)

Or perhaps not. :( ... ethod.html

Mike Farley
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