Overall, it was a worthwhile experience, with John Reeve reporting interest in the images and I might have inspired someone to do their own PAD.
Having chosen my 365 project as the theme, the challenge I faced was selecting six images which worked well together, despite being of varying subjects and styles. There were any number of images to choose from, but ones I went with were:
- Father and Child Reunion (27 March)
- Wells Cathedral (8 June)
- Escalator (4 October)
- Trees in the Mist (19 October)
- Back Seat Driver (3 November)
- Tree Line (13 November)
Gratifyingly, many of the shots were taken in the second half of the year, so I was not losing my touch or inspiration as the project wore on. In retrospect, the one photo which I would have changed is Tree Line. When the print was in competition, the judge remarked that it looked flat when viewed under ordinary lighting on the table, but really picked up when placed on the easel. Personally, I think that the print is gorgeous, but behind cheap glass and in the gallery's lighting, it did not sparkle in the way I know it can. For the future, that is another factor which I will have to bear in mind when choosing what to put on display.