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Photo of the Day

Posted: Sat 18 Jan 2014, 13:44
by Mike Farley
Now that my 2013 Photo a Day project is complete, I am looking for something to replace it which will encourage me to take pictures. At the start of the year, my presumption was that I would continue to take pictures on most days and post the results on the forum. In practice, that has not worked out for a variety of reasons. The weather has not helped and I have been busy with other things, but without the imperative to produce a daily shot, I simply have not been taking photographs. Possibly this is also a reaction to the effort required for a PAD and I just need a bit of a break.

To replace my PAD, I propose to have a "Photo of the Day" (POTD), which I will post here on the forum as and when I feel I have something worth sharing. Hopefully, this will also encourage me to start using my camera more frequently than has been the case so far this year. Fingers crossed.