OMG that was mad ! 180 girl apprentices and employers crammed into two rooms, exhibits "made by apprentices" (including two cars in the courtyard), the DPM and his wife, a couple of other MPs, the Scottish Minister... A film crew, two professional press photographers... And me !!
I've just left and expect to get home at 10pm, when I then have to download all the pics and process 5 or 6 key ones needed for publication online tomorrow (the DPM's official Twitter feed and Flikr page). I therefore expect to be working till midnight ! I also did another event this afternoon AND I'm covering a staff conference at The Oval all day tomorrow so will have a huge processing job to do on Friday. And it's not even my day job !!!
I've done other receptions but the lighting is always a challenge in Admiralty House - even the pros were complaining ! But they were handling it so much better than I was... I'm going to have to resort to quite a bit of processing !
All my photos are Crown Copyright and I'm not sure if I can use them in Club Comps... I can't imagine they'd meet judges' expectations anyway.