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July Meetings - 2013 Summer Season

Posted: Tue 02 Jul 2013, 10:56
by Mike Farley
This is a copy of the text from my e-mail to members dated 2 July with details of the meetings to be held in July 2013.

There are many ways in which we can improve our photography. One such means is having our images appraised in competitions, as is seeing the feedback given by judges to others. Another approach is to see the work of others and hear from them how they go about their photography. Tomorrow night (3 July) we have as our guest speaker Jan Podsiadly who is going to give a talk entitled "From the Dark to the Light" in which he will describe his photographic life from shooting with film and producing prints in a darkroom to his more recent experiences with digital. It promises to be a fascinating evening, not only seeing how Jan has progressed in his photography, but also how he adjusted to the different demands of digital imaging.

The following week on 10 July we have the annual Master Trophy competition for themed images and this year the topic is Celebration. Full details are on the forum, with the usual arrangements for submitting competition images applying.


Not so many years ago a mobile phone was just that, a device for making and receiving phone calls at any location where a signal was available. Nowadays they have transformed into devices where seemingly your whole life can be in your pocket and producing photographs with them has become routine. The results are surprisingly good and for many it is all the camera they need. Sometimes I see tourists who must have spent a lot of money to travel to their destination using just their phone to record their experiences!

Most members have these camera phones, so on 17 July you will have the opportunity to show everyone the results you have been getting with them. We are holding an evening when members will be able to comment on each others' images and there will be an informal competition. We are looking for three images from each member, which can be brought to the club on CD/DVD or USB memory stick the previous week (10 July) or e-mailed to the usual Gmail address ( by midnight, 13 July. If you have been using a tablet for photography, these images are also eligible. With everyone's participation, it should be a fun evening.

As usual, we finish the season with the annual barbecue on 24 July, which once again is being hosted by Wally and Hilary Conquy. Tickets are £5 each and it is always an enjoyable social occasion when we all meet up and bring our partners for some good food and chit chat. Wally is collecting the money at our weekly meetings beforehand and can give you further details, including his address if you do not know it.

I look forward to seeing you at these meetings before we conclude for our summer break.