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Beckenham PS Exhibition

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2017, 10:24
by Steve B
I dropped by Beckenham Photographic Society's annual exhibition on my way home from work last night. There were 114 prints to admire and an opportunity to vote for your top three images - quite a nice touch. The was a wide mix of genres, with perhaps more still life and flower photography than we do at CCC.

The exhibition continues throughout the weekend and is at Beckenham Public Hall, Bromley Road.


Re: Beckenham PS Exhibition

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2017, 11:14
by Mike Farley
Steve B wrote:The exhibition continues throughout the weekend and is at Beckenham Public Hall, Bromley Road.Steve

I visited yesterday as well. I believe that today (18 February) is the last day and it will not be open tomorrow.

While I agree that there are some excellent images, the club has a good photographer who only takes one style of photograph. While they are different, the same image seems to win every year.

Re: Beckenham PS Exhibition

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2017, 14:42
by Iggy
same image seems to win every year

Hi Mike,
That is surprising as they have at least 11 members with RPS or DPAPG or other qualifications to their name!!
They must have a different judge each year.
What was the subject of the winning image (spiral staircase?) and any where on the net to see it?

Re: Beckenham PS Exhibition

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2017, 22:50
by Mike Farley
Iggy wrote:
same image seems to win every year

That is surprising as they have at least 11 members with RPS or DPAPG or other qualifications to their name!!
They must have a different judge each year.

There was some good work which did not receive any recognition. Unlike our exhibition, there is a strict limit to the number of certificates awarded.

Yes, there is a different judge each year. Same result each time, though.