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Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Thu 09 Jul 2020, 16:32
by Mike Farley
A group of regulars from the Sunday Afternoon Tea social group, all stars of the small screen ;), gathered for a socially distanced real life meeting at South Norwood Country Park earlier today. The event was a dry run to see whether similar get togethers would be viable, subject to government regulations. These currently state that no more than six people from different households can assemble in one location provided that participants maintain at least two metres separation at all times. (One metre plus only applies to pubs and restaurants etc.)

This being high summer in England, climatic coditions played a part. The group did not encounter high contrast conditions due to the sun shining brightly. Instead, they cleverly managed to schedule their meeting for a break between weather systems. While they did not experience any problems in keeping the sun out of their eyes, they were not wiping the rain away from them either.

With lockdown restrictions easing, the Sunday Afternoon Tea event has fulfilled its purpose as a social group outside regular club meetings and will probably cease to meet fairly soon. There is no reason why small meetings such as this should not replace it provide people are willing to organise them.

SAT Group.jpg
From left: Mike P, David, Ron and Tina. Mike F behind the camera.
SAT Group.jpg (169.62 KiB) Viewed 8279 times

Re: Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Thu 09 Jul 2020, 21:28
by davidb
Here's my pic of the group!

Re: Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Fri 10 Jul 2020, 15:03
by Mike Farley
This what I taking a shot of when David took the photo accompanying his post. The ducks are a purely incidental but necessary part of the image. ;)

Feeding the Ducks.jpg
Feeding the Ducks
Feeding the Ducks.jpg (95.61 KiB) Viewed 8257 times

Re: Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Sat 11 Jul 2020, 06:40
by davidb
I couldn't see that platform (there is an island in the way) therefore was unable to take a photograph!

By the way that's ducks and a GOOSE. :D

Re: Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Sat 11 Jul 2020, 09:22
by Mike Farley
davidb wrote:By the way that's ducks and a GOOSE. :D

If we are being pedantic, a coot has snuck in there as well. Same difference in my book. :|

Re: Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Sat 11 Jul 2020, 10:09
by Ronald Barker
SNCP 7.20-50.jpg
SNCP 7.20-50.jpg (346.7 KiB) Viewed 8244 times

It would be nice to see how other members shots look like, I think I have cropped it to close?.

Re: Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Sun 12 Jul 2020, 11:38
by Tina
Good to catch up in person with like minded friends. Light not great but here a couple of my efforts.
Kestrel is way too noisy but it was good to see.

Re: Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Sun 12 Jul 2020, 15:05
by davidb
Ron - you pointed out a tree with three birds in it. I couldn't see three, only two and I took a photo of it with my 100-400 zoom with 1.4 extender (total 560mm)

The first shot is as taken; the second I've cropped and cropped again. There's a lot of noise there! Do I see a Kestrel there?

I've had another look and to the far right there appears to be a parakeet.

Re: Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Sun 12 Jul 2020, 15:06
by davidb
A couple more …

Re: Sunday Afternoon Tea Outing

Posted: Mon 13 Jul 2020, 14:56
by Mike Farley
Both Ron and David have managed to achieve better results with the kestrel than my meagre efforts. Tina was right when she said at the time that it was a good experience simply to see it fly across the meadow and briefly hover midway.

Most of my shots were taken with a macro lens. A lot of the flowers and other foliage were looking good and the flat light allowed for even illumination of the subjects. The problem being that light was in short supply on such a dull day, so just about everything I shot was taken at ISO 3200 to allow for a smallish aperture and a high enough shutter speed to counter movement. Digital flatters us. Film photography would have been a far greater challenge.

Thistle.jpg (89.14 KiB) Viewed 8200 times