Autumn Colour

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Autumn Colour

Postby Franke07 » Fri 02 Oct 2020, 12:17

At the start of the year, I had in mind to do 2 club photo shoots, the first Skye (completed) the second was going to be a trip to either Wales or the Lakes to capture the autumn colours (I chose the Lakes with a view of doing Wales 2021).
With Covid hanging over us I wanted to see if things would return to an even Keel before muting the idea of an Autumn trip; however as the weeks have gone on it looks like we still have some way to go, therefore I didn't feel I could put it out here as a planned trip (£1,000 fine lurking in the wings!).
Given the current uncertainty across the country with Covid threatening another possible national lock down, although we have a possible 6 month position from the government it seems to me that their polices and recommendations are still in flux. I did not think I could go ahead and organise a Skye style trip, so I decided on the spur of the moment yesterday to book accommodation for myself.
Just to say that the schedule is planned and available to any who are interested in of doing something last minute.
I will be going with my other half and opted to book a one bed apartment in the Ambleside region, in the hope that the area doesn't go into lock down because of the Covid restrictions
If club members want to join the outing then they will have to make their own arrangements and we can meet up on a daily basis restrictions permitting!
Sorry this is so last minute, but it was very much a last min thing - as of yesterday when we booked there's still a number of diff types of accommodation available depending on your risk appetite

Dates travel 25th Qct - Ret 30th 5 nights
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Autumn Colour

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 03 Oct 2020, 19:29

Hi Frank

Thanks for posting. Self-catering accommodation is definitely a good idea. When I was speaking to Mark Bauer a few days ago, he said a friend who was in North Wales had to return home early as everything was shutting down due to the new restrictions there. Not being in catered accommodation provides more flexibility if something similar is introduced in the Lake District. Fingers crossed.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog -

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