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Presentation at South Norwood Library

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 11:18
by Mike Farley
As mentioned in an earlier thread, I will be giving a talk about photography on behalf of the club at 2:00 pm on Saturday 18 May at South Norwood Library. The event is part of the activities being put on by the library for Adult Learners Week and is intended for those who are thinking about taking up photography either as a hobby or profession. It will last for an hour and it would be great if other club members could be there to give support and help answer questions which the audience might have.


UPDATE - Typo in the title corrected

Re: Presentation at South Norwodd Library

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 12:24
by davidc
Can't be sure I can attend yet but I'll put it in the diary and talk to the wife.

Re: Presentation at South Norwood Library

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 12:54
by Mike Farley
Thanks, Dave. I hope that you can make it.

Re: Presentation at South Norwood Library

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 14:22
by davidc
Pencil me in :) The wife is revising so I'll pop over

Re: Presentation at South Norwood Library

Posted: Wed 08 May 2013, 16:23
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:Pencil me in :) The wife is revising so I'll pop over

That's great. Thanks.

Re: Presentation at South Norwood Library

Posted: Sat 18 May 2013, 14:46
by Mike Farley
I have just returned from South Norwood Library, where the talk failed to attract a single person despite being widely publicised across the borough. If the club is asked to give a similar presentation in future, I would recommend that the Central Library is the only venue which should be seriously considered.

Many thanks to Dave Newman, who turned up to support. It turns out that he used to work with the librarian who asked me to give the talk. Small world.

Re: Presentation at South Norwood Library

Posted: Mon 20 May 2013, 09:38
by davidc
I thought this was cancelled, otherwise I'd have come along too :(

Re: Presentation at South Norwood Library

Posted: Mon 20 May 2013, 10:37
by Mike Farley
I had discussed options with the librarian as by the previous day no one had requested tickets. As the event had been publicised across the borough, he was concerned that people would turn up ad hoc so I agreed to go along.

I thought that I had sent you a PM letting you know what was happening, but looking at it this morning I realised that I had only managed to send it to myself. Doh! :oops: Still, at least you made the right decision and were spared a wasted journey.

On the upside, I did collect our Cityread images after they had been displayed at the library and they will be available at the club on Wednesday.