American Cemetery, France

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American Cemetery, France

Postby davidc » Sat 05 Oct 2013, 19:10

I decided that with the pants weather conditions and my 10-22mm lens still being broken I wouldn't try for any of the "normal" shots people take of the American WW2 Cemetery in Normandy and instead focused on going for some completely different things.

Curious what people think and how they could be improved - any level of critique is welcomed.

#1 -
American Cemetery I by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

The intent for what I was going for is pretty clear I hope. This is HDR, albeit only really apparent in the sky and the torso of the statue when I look at the originals.

#2 -
American Cemetery II by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

This was the most unusual approach I tried. Standing in the middle of the graves with the headstones stretching to the horizon I was finding that I couldn't capture that impression fully no matter how I framed the shot. To achieve the effect I did I held a prism in front of the lens which had the effect of pulling in views of the cemetery from two additional perspectives. Naturally it incurs some "optical inaccuracies" but I very specifically wasn't going for a record shot and instead trying to convey more of a feeling of the place.

#3 -
American Cemetery III by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

This was taken using the lensbaby and is probably my personal favourite of the day. I ended up focusing on an unknown soldier which I thought was apt given how the detail and form of all the other graves merge into one "unknown" group because of the qualities of the lens.
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Re: American Cemetery, France

Postby Nina » Sun 06 Oct 2013, 20:07

Hi David,

My favourite of the three is your Lensbaby shot. I'd probably crop it from the top so all you can see is a sea of crosses.


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