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Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2013, 13:58
by Nina
I posted this image yesterday in Photo sharing, but today it occurred to me to try the horizontally flipped one. Just wondered if Mike may agree it does work better this way? :)

1/80s f/4.5 at 5.1mm iso100


Re: Flipped!

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2013, 15:15
by Mike Farley
Gosh, a personal invitation to critique one of Nina's pictures. :P

The photo appears to be in the same orientation as originally posted, but for me the diagonal as shown works best as it encourages the eye to rest at bottom right. When flipped horizontally, the eye is being taken from bottom left to top right and the bottom right is not working. I am not sure that the square format works best here as it means that there is a fair bit of space with nothing much interesting in it at top right - it just does not add anything for the viewer. I would also be tempted to bring down the tones a bit at top left as they are a bit bright and are a distraction.

There is a lot of clutter along the top and bottom, so I would be very tempted to simplify the composition by removing these to concentrate on the main elements, these being the strong diagonal and the vivid green of the moss. At that point, the horizontal flip does enhance things as the eye is lead along its natural inclination.

Suggested crop - original orientation
original.jpg (170.91 KiB) Viewed 4095 times

Re: Flipped!

Posted: Tue 05 Feb 2013, 18:03
by Nina
Thanks for looking and commenting Mike. I like both of your ideas, but like the original as well. I'm still playing around with this image as I think it has potential as yet unrealized. :)

I don't know why the image I linked from here ... 4/original
refuses to show as it should. Cookies?

Re: Flipped!

Posted: Thu 07 Feb 2013, 08:05
by Mike Farley
Nina wrote:Thanks for looking and commenting Mike. I like both of your ideas, but like the original as well. I'm still playing around with this image as I think it has potential as yet unrealized. :)

I don't know why the image I linked from here ... 4/original
refuses to show as it should. Cookies?

You are very welcome, Nina. I have tried similar shots myself when i have been attracted by the vibrancy of the moss, although I have always struggled to get a satisfactory result.

I am not sure what you meant about the image not appearing as it should. It seemed to be OK to me.