Choir Practice

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Choir Practice

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 22 Apr 2018, 12:10

I went to Guildford yesterday to see the second half of the SPA Biennial Exhibition. It is worthwhile taking a look if anyone is in the area between now and next Saturday when it closes.

Afterwards, I went to take a look at Guildford Cathedral which is one of the most recently built in the country. Construction started in 1936 but stopped in 1939 and did not resume until 1954. It was consecrated in 1961 and finally completed in 1966* when the tower was added. I was a bit surprised to learn that it has already just been through a major renovation. Outside, it is rendered with brickwork and does not look especially attractive but has a more traditional interior with much stonework on display, albeit without the flourishes associated with a medieval cathedral.

Choir practice in preparation for Evensong was going on while I was there.

Choir Practice.jpg
Choir Practice
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* I was given this date by one of the cathedral's visitor guides, but have not been able to verify it. It is best treated with some caution as a number of the other dates he mentioned proved to be incorrect.

Mike Farley
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