'Splash down' - Mute Swan, Beddington Park

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Re: 'Splash down' - Mute Swan, Beddington Park

Postby Laura » Sun 24 Feb 2019, 12:17

SteveBudd wrote:Hi folks.

A case of close-ish but no cigar.

I caught sight of a pair of swans 'on finals' onto the boating lake at Beddington. I guess there were two or three seconds to acquire one in the frame, lock focus and grab three frames before it was all over. They landed just a little further away than was comfortable for the short bird rig and my preference is, in any event to add shots of head on landings (or as close to that as possible), to really show the billowing wings as they decelerate onto the water.

Notwithstanding that, it was nice to practice what the RAF term 'QRA' (Quick Reaction Alert) and get a useable shot.

You'll find the resulting image here:



lovely image Steve - love the bubbles and neck pose, and what a sharp eye !!

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