
Post pictures you simply want to share with others. (Use "Image Critique" if you want to obtain feedback.)
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38


Postby Mike Farley » Wed 15 Dec 2021, 16:28

As Storm Barra blew in the other week, I drove down to Winchester. Needless to say, the weather did not encourage lingering outside and I ended up spending a lot of time in the cathedral. The interior does not receive much light at the best of times and with the skies dark from the raging storm it was very dull. Most of the time I was shooting at ISO 6400, as high as I would want to go with the camera I was using. I will be talking more about this trip when I present "Getting the Shot" at the club in January. In the meantime, here is one of the images from the day that forms part of the narrative I will be telling.

Candles.jpg (86.34 KiB) Viewed 32252 times

Mike Farley
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