Victorian Gent

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Victorian Gent

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 11 Jun 2019, 08:08

davidb wrote:I like the second image (reflects a rather Victorian used appearance) but image three is growing on me (it looks a lot more natural).

That's been my progression as well. I have just upgraded to the latest version of Lightroom which adds the Texture tool, which might make a difference as it seems designed for portraiture.

davidb wrote:Iggy is right about a panel for next years exhibition. Will it be print (which I'd like to see) or PDI?

It is a bit early to be thinking about next year's exhibition. Who knows, I might have something even better by then! That's the great thing about photography, going out not knowing what you will find. There is also the "four images" issue, as I am not sure that I have four which are sufficiently strong to make a panel. Last year, I tried to mix and match with three images in a panel and one other. The feedback I received was that it was treated as a portfolio.

I do agree about "Victorian Gent" crying out to be printed although its first outing is going to be as PDI as that is the only option. I will have to experiment with different paper types and am thinking it might look good in a dark grey mount.

Mike Farley
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