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Re: Week 48/52

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2014, 07:14
by Mike Farley
Paul Heester wrote:Been meaning to try a product shot for a while. As New Years Eve approaches a beer related one seemed appropriate.

Strobist info:

Setup involved placing bottle on side of an unused fishtank. The glow effect was created by placing my 430ex @ 1/8th under the tank and firing at some black card. Colour was achieved with some red sweet wrappers from Christmas over the flash. I then traced a sparkler around the drink. Finally used an LED torch to lightpaint the front of the bottle. All achieved in camera on Bulb 49s @ F10.

Week 48/52 by Paul Heester, on Flickr

Now there's a bottle of beer where I would think twice before opening. ;)

Very inventive. :)

Re: Paul's 52 Week Project

Posted: Thu 02 Jan 2014, 11:54
by davidc
Tracing with a sparkler is a good idea, I like that :)

Week 49/52

Posted: Thu 09 Jan 2014, 11:32
by Paul Heester
Tried some portraiture this week. A work colleague bravely agreed to a few shots in a spare room at our office. Used the rooms spot lights plus a reflector to bounce light back onto her face. Applied a gradient map for the b&w effect and cloned some rogue hairs out.

Week 49/52 by Paul Heester, on Flickr

Re: Paul's 52 Week Project

Posted: Thu 09 Jan 2014, 13:54
by davidc
Cracking sharpness, especially that eye :)

Week 50/52

Posted: Mon 13 Jan 2014, 19:46
by Paul Heester
Spent my Saturday evening at Reculver Towers near Herne Bay in Kent. Good conditions for star trails despite there being a 3/4 moon.

This image is compiled from 86 shots of 30s @ F4 at ISO 400. Processed through the excellent StarStaX with slight adjustments in PS.

Week 50/52 by Paul Heester, on Flickr

Week 51/52

Posted: Wed 22 Jan 2014, 11:53
by Paul Heester
Persuaded another work colleague to pose for my project. Taken in a spare office in our building and shot with a black background. I had one strobe to the right shot through white umbrella at 1/4 power. Then had the other strobe off to the left at 1/8 power.

Week 51/52 by Paul Heester, on Flickr

Week 52/52

Posted: Thu 30 Jan 2014, 19:00
by Paul Heester
Its over! Ive made it a year and I noticed a film released in the first week of my project called "I Give it a Year" and knew with a slightly altered title this would be my final image. Its been immensely fun to try out different techniques and think Ive learnt alot over the year. I will continue to post images when I get the time and try out different ideas I didnt get the opportunity to do. Thanks for all your support over this time.

This link was the inspiration - ... poster.jpg

Week 52/52 by Paul Heester, on Flickr

Re: Paul's 52 Week Project

Posted: Fri 31 Jan 2014, 12:08
by Bill Yates
Excellent Paul, This did amuse me a lot, and full marks for the way you reinterpreted the original source of your inspiration.

For my money it has been great to see how you, David and Mike have shaped up in your various year-long projects and to see the degree of creativity that has been engendered in every instance.

Particularly satisfactory for me has been to observe that there are people in Croydon CC (and there are several others members I can think of) who are prepared to go beyond the normal safe boundaries of club photography - which often has little or nothing to do with photography in the real world.

If there were more of that approach from photography club members in general - or at least those in this area of the world - perhaps fewer clubs would find themselves struggling for members.


Re: Paul's 52 Week Project

Posted: Sat 01 Feb 2014, 10:09
by Mike Farley

Well done on reaching the conclusion of your project and finishing with something which is both different and appropriate. You (and Miranda) have clearly had a very productive year, so congratulations all round.

Re: Paul's 52 Week Project

Posted: Mon 03 Feb 2014, 17:02
by Paul Heester
Thankyou for your comments Bill. This last shot seemed appropriate and was something I havent done before, which itself was the main goal of the project. Lets hope all the postings from myself, David and Mike will encourage other members to start their own projects :)

Bill Yates wrote:Excellent Paul, This did amuse me a lot, and full marks for the way you reinterpreted the original source of your inspiration.

For my money it has been great to see how you, David and Mike have shaped up in your various year-long projects and to see the degree of creativity that has been engendered in every instance.

Particularly satisfactory for me has been to observe that there are people in Croydon CC (and there are several others members I can think of) who are prepared to go beyond the normal safe boundaries of club photography - which often has little or nothing to do with photography in the real world.

If there were more of that approach from photography club members in general - or at least those in this area of the world - perhaps fewer clubs would find themselves struggling for members.
