davidb wrote:The top one (looking to the left) is an Abdim's Stork; the lower one (looking right) is a Hammerkop.
Thanks, David. I thought that I might be able to rely on you for the identification, although I had an idea that the second one is a Hammerkop. I'll update the captions in the original post.
davidb wrote:I note that you've a very narrow depth of field and managed to avoid the netting of the enclosure behind the subjects. I was not so lucky but in some cases I might be able to crop a lot of it out.
I shot wide open at the long end of my 70-200 f/4 zoom lens which helped obscure the netting and was being as careful as I could to avoid obstrusive backgrounds.
davidb wrote:The problem with taking pictures at a zoo (or similar venues) is the ankle ring. Admittedly, there are birds in the wild similarly tagged but you'd be very unlucky to photograph one of these. I suppose the rings could always be cloned out!
I had spotted the rings, but decided to leave them in. The images are described as zoo shots, after all. If any of these ever makes it to a more formal presentation, I might decide to remove the rings. That would very much depend on how I choose to use them, although obviously nothing here conforms to the new "wildlife" photography definition.
davidb wrote:
My pictures are in LightRoom but I've yet to start processing them. As soon as I have some results I'll post some images.
Looking forward to seeing them. Everything I am showing here is processed just in Lightroom, although some might require further work in Photoshop before final output.