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POTD 15 February 2015 (Alternative) - The Street

Posted: Wed 18 Feb 2015, 13:31
by Mike Farley
There must have been something in the sea air at Whitstable because I found myself mostly taking shots of this scene. There is a sand bar known as The Street which extends into the sea and it is possible to walk along it at low tide. I was later told that at the sea end the bar dips before rising again, so if you are not careful it is possible to be cut off by the incoming tide and people have been swept out to sea with disastrous consequences. The hazy conditions I found on the day meant there is no division between the sea and sky beyond. I was using the long end of a cheap telephoto zoom and I have a few problems with vignetting which I need to sort out. Once again, this is not one for a judge.

Re: POTD 15 February 2015 (Alternative) - The Street

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:55
by davidc
I think it's good. The vignette can be sorted but isn't really a big deal IMO - I hadn't noticed til you pointed it out. Maybe some compositional tweaks could be had but without seeing the full file that's hard to say. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it!

Re: POTD 15 February 2015 (Alternative) - The Street

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:19
by Rose
I agree - and I really like it :)
Reminds me of the minimalist images Roy showed us last night.

Re: POTD 15 February 2015 (Alternative) - The Street

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2015, 17:42
by Mike Farley
Thanks for the feedback, both, which encourages me. I like the image as well, otherwise I would not have posted it. It's just that I would not be optimistic of it doing well in a competition with some of the judges I encounter. There is one I can think of who no longer visits, but had an abhorrence of negative space. He would have cropped it down to a panorama and removed the sides in a trice. One evening I recall him judging a print competition and hanging on the first print to show how he would crop the rest. :shock:

My more experimental stuff has never done particularly well, but at least I am expecting that, although occasionally some shots turn out to be more "experimental" than I thought. ;)

davidc wrote:Maybe some compositional tweaks could be had but without seeing the full file that's hard to say.

This is an uncropped image, so I would be interested to know what you would change. I have got quite a few of these, so I have probably got most of the variations covered and there is always the Content Aware Move tool for the figures.