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European Wigeon

Posted: Wed 29 Jul 2015, 16:49
by Ronald Barker
European Wigeon Edit.jpg
European Wigeon Edit.jpg (54.58 KiB) Viewed 1907 times

A visit to the WWT Arundel earlier in the year. I was told this duck is rare I am not so sure.

Re: European Wigeon

Posted: Wed 29 Jul 2015, 17:36
by Mike Farley
Ronald Barker wrote:A visit to the WWT Arundel earlier in the year. I was told this duck is rare I am not so sure.

According to the RSPB website, there are only 300 - 500 breeding pairs in the UK, of which this is might be one. There are many more in the wild, but they normally only spend the winter here at a few sites between October - March. Maybe what was meant is that it is not that common at Arundel? ... /w/wigeon/