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Jumping Spider

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2015, 00:44
by davidc
This is a jumping spider.

ts head reminds me a little bit of the alien from Mars Attacks.

This is quite a close-up photo, in reality it was about the size of a 1p/10cent piece.

Still, when you are staring at a huge image of a spider through the viewfinder and it abruptly JUMPS AROUND THE LEAF... well, I shrieked like a little girl and nearly dropped the camera.

Shot on a Canon 5DS ahead of my forthcoming review, the resolution of this thing is phenomenal and you really don't see the effect at forum-resolution. At 100% it's unbelievable

Jumping Spider by David, on Flickr

Re: Jumping Spider

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2015, 08:05
by Mike Farley
The spider appears to have jumped right out of the image. ;)

Re: Jumping Spider

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2015, 08:19
by davidc
Oh dear. I think I know why, will need to fix it when I get home.

Re: Jumping Spider

Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2015, 13:20
by davidc

I tried to upload a 100 percent crop of the head to show the staggering detail but the forum restrictions YET AGAIN prevent me from doing so. Even when it's saved at the lowest possible detail setting. I do wish we could apply some modern/common sense settings rather than 1990s internet rules :x :(