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Shirley Christmas decorations on the ITV News

Posted: Tue 22 Dec 2015, 09:50
by GrahamL
Iggy's seasonal image is topic caused me to wander out early yesterday evening, a few streets away came across an ITV crew doing a live news item at Pinewood Close, Shirley. I moved this post from seasonal images this morning as it is a bit different.

ITV-PinewoodClose-GLB_1034.jpg (185.59 KiB) Viewed 965 times

ITV-PinewoodClose-GLB_0997.jpg (168.35 KiB) Viewed 965 times

ITV-PinewoodClose-GLB_1029.jpg (128.07 KiB) Viewed 965 times

The road is well worth visiting (CR0 5EX), the TV crew may be gone but there are some very impressively Xmas decorated houses, collections for various charities.
