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POTD 14 January 2016 - Anemone

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2016, 17:00
by Mike Farley
It's a bit of a "so what" shot if I am honest, but it might be a useful filler for an end of season monthly DPI competition.

Re: POTD 14 January 2016 - Anemone

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2016, 17:46
by Paul Heester
What a great image. It has a 3D quality to it whereby it almost comes towards me when I look :o

Re: POTD 14 January 2016 - Anemone

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2016, 23:52
by Mike Farley
Paul Heester wrote:What a great image. It has a 3D quality to it whereby it almost comes towards me when I look :o

Thanks, Paul. I guess that I am getting frustrated at the dull weather, so I am doing flower shots instead. The 3D effect is possibly a factor of two things. The background is slightly out of focus, but possibly it is an effect of the lens itself. Some of the better ones can give a 3D like effect and this was taken with my Voigtländer APO-Lanthar SL II 90mm f/3.5 which is an amazing bit of glass. Its performance belies the relatively small amount I paid for it when close out stocks were discounted.