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POTD 17 September 2016 - Eye to Eye With Bowie

Posted: Tue 20 Sep 2016, 13:17
by Mike Farley
This month's photo walk organised by the RPS London region took place in Brixton. I went along partly because I used to work there around 35 years ago and had not been back since. As much as anything, I wanted to see how the place had changed. Photographically, it was not as productive as the RPS event the previous month, but that had been exceptional. The area was very busy and many people seemed more than unusually wary of cameras. This was the only half way decent shot from the day, taken at the improvised Bowie memorial. It is not the first time nor the last that street photography has proved challenging. That is half the fun of it, finding something when not inspired by the circumstances.

Re: POTD 17 September 2016 - Eye to Eye With Bowie

Posted: Wed 21 Sep 2016, 08:34
by Mike Farley
For more information about this shot, see my latest blog post - http://lightintotheshadows.proimageblog ... eye-bowie/.