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PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 13:09
by Mike Farley
Day 59 and a location I have known about for some time, but have never photographed. Certainly some unusual architecture which is out of context with its surroundings.

Panasonic DMC-G3
Lumix G Vario 14-45
Focal length 34 mm (68 mm @ 35 mm equivalent)
1/200 sec
ISO 160

Re: PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 13:33
by davidc
Where is it? Feels almost like an abstract

Re: PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 14:25
by Mike Farley
It's an extremely exotic location. I travelled by car, minibus and finally foot to reach it, but this result made the efforts all worthwhile. And it's only in Croydon!

Re: PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 16:32
by davidc
Cool, is it fair/accurate to say this one is a photographer's image?

Re: PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 18:13
by Rose
Like this a lot :)
Are you going to let on exactly where it is ? ;)

Re: PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 18:17
by davidc
Rose wrote:Like this a lot :)
Are you going to let on exactly where it is ? ;)

I wondered that, noticed the question dodging! :)

Re: PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 18:35
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:Cool, is it fair/accurate to say this one is a photographer's image?

I tested your hypothesis on that arbiter of good taste, Mrs F. The response which I got was "probably". Elucidating, she said that she thought it was a good photograph (do I take any other sort? ;) ), but it did not evoke any emotions in her. On the other hand, the one which I have coming up for today, also possibly a "photographer's photograph", provoked a really positive response. Based on this non random sample of one and my own opinion, I would concur with your analysis.

I am still sorting out the mess from yesterday, so you will have to wait a while before I post today's result.

I have also now added the EXIF data for this image in the original post.

Re: PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 18:42
by Rose
... And he still dodges the question of where he took it LOL ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 18:53
by davidc
Maybe it was made entirely in photoshop.... ;)

Re: PAD 59 - Urban Circles

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 18:55
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:
Rose wrote:Like this a lot :)
Are you going to let on exactly where it is ? ;)

I wondered that, noticed the question dodging! :)

Just teasing and prolonging the suspense. As I said, it's an exotic location - the rear of the Centrale car park to be precise!