Iggy wrote:Lovely colours and very well captured.
I can even see one person on a pinball machine!
Thanks, Iggy. This shot has not proved as popular for the week as the alternate I posted on Flickr, but it is the one I prefer. As I wrote in my blog, it came at the end of the day when, with the possible exception of Hastings pier panorama I posted separately, nothing much was really working. Some days are like that. The trick is to relax and not be too concerned. Just carry on shooting and something usually turns up.
Iggy wrote:Lots of work in LightRoom I guess.
Actually, it was relatively straightforward. While there is a spread of tonality, it fell within the sensor's dynamic range. Aided by the use of a fast lens (f/1.4 stopped down to f/2 for DOF and image quality), I was able to shoot at the camera's native ISO 200, which helped. While it might not be apparent in the low resolution JPEG I have posted here, in the original it is possible to see the contours of the roof which is where most of the shadows areas are. The main adjustments were toning down some bright patches such as the light over the roof at far left and the highlight over the door.