Thanks for the feedback, Iggy. As I said in my blog, I have captured this scene many times previously, but this is one of my better attempts.
Iggy wrote:Read your blog too and was hoping to see the colour version before conversion to monochrome.
You have certainly been travelling around to get your SOTW!
It was a dull day and the original had some very washed out colours. I am not sure what showing it would add.
As for the travelling, that has largely been coincidental and unrelated to my SOTW project. This week I am wondering what I will shoot and even stuck my macro lens into a flower yesterday. It is useful to have a "safety shot" in the bag, even if I do not use it. Maybe the weather will turn bad and snow will come to my rescue? Not that I am hoping for such. When I did my Photo 365 in 2013, it was a case of being careful about what you wish for. There was a lot of snow which led into an exceptionally cold spring and early summer. I was still wearing gloves in June. I really do not want a repeat.