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POTW 12 January 2020 - Charcuterie

Posted: Mon 13 Jan 2020, 19:10
by Mike Farley
Thanks to Iggy, who told me about this shop, I came across this man carving spanish ham. Everyone in the store was friendly and I was given a slice of the ham. It was delicious.

Charcuterie.jpg (95.72 KiB) Viewed 2586 times

Re: POTW 12 January 2020 - Charcuterie

Posted: Mon 13 Jan 2020, 19:31
by Mike Farley
I did not think that I had had a particularly productive week before I examined what I had shot and discovered that there were a number of contenders. Here are a couple more which I was considering. The first was taken in Faversham, while the second is the harbour at Whitstable.

Watching.jpg (90.37 KiB) Viewed 2584 times

Returning to port.jpg
Returning to port
Returning to port.jpg (80.53 KiB) Viewed 2584 times

Re: POTW 12 January 2020 - Charcuterie

Posted: Mon 13 Jan 2020, 20:15
by Iggy
Wonderful image of the Spaniard carving ham.
Definitely looks good in black & white.
Well done Mike.

Re: POTW 12 January 2020 - Charcuterie

Posted: Tue 14 Jan 2020, 08:50
by Mike Farley
Iggy wrote:Wonderful image of the Spaniard carving ham.
Definitely looks good in black & white.

Thanks, Iggy. I was pleased with the way it turned out and mono seemed to render the scene better. Similarly with the Faversham shot, which I also like. The mild weather meant that people were able to sit outside the cafe in January. Both are essentially street photography shots and the types of scene which I enjoy, but which does not seem to have a wider appeal. Consequently, I am not expecting much other response.